Week 23-29 March

publicado en: 5º-6º primaria | 0

Estimados alumnos y alumnas, madres y padres. Esta semana vamos a trabajar la comprensión escrita y oral en las páginas 72 y 73  junto con las grabaciones 10 y 11. En HOMEWORK encontraréis las actividades relacionadas con las páginas 72 … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: B1 | 0

Dear students, Today we’re going to start Unit 9 and these two lessons are going to include Reading comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar and Listening. I’m also going to upload a document with the key for you to correct Progress check 3 … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: 1º-2º primaria | 0

Hello everyone! How are you today? Let’s get started!! Hay que seguir enlaces y actividades en el orden que aparecen aquí.  Es mejor dividir las tareas en papel entre dos días. Have fun ☺    Day 1 First we are … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: B2 | 0

Hi people! Here’s this week’s tasks for the B2 Adults groups. 1. HOMEWORK 2. www.cambridge.org/OW_First_Vid26 (Video about the future tenses. Part 1) 3. Track 55

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: 3º-4º primaria | 0

Hello everyone! How are you today? Let’s go to the page from last week and we can practise the vocabulary Vamos a seguir con la pagina 71 sobre ‘Health matters’ y la pregunta ‘What’s the matter?’ Activity 5 : Look … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: Infantil | 0

Hello everyone! How are you today? Aqui mas actividades para seguir el ritmo. Las rutinas de las canciones de bienvenida, días de la semana y meses del año hay que repetir cada vez como introducción: Hello    Days   Months … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: B1 (PET) | 0

Hi everyone, This week we are going to revise the use of future tenses, compound words, prepositions of movement and do some writing practice for the PET examination. If you don’t have time to do all the tasks, just pick … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: A2 (KET) | 0

Dear students, Here are some tasks for you to do during this week. If you’re really busy, just do the ones that you think will help you improving your English. Keep calm and learn English. Ellie 1  2 3 4 … Continuar

Week 23-29 March (Book prepare 7)

publicado en: B2 (FIRST) | 0

Hi everyone, This week we are going to revise the use of relative clauses in page 66. Please, watch the video that I’ve uploaded and then you can do the exercises in page 66. I’ve created a rubric for you … Continuar

Week 23-29 March

publicado en: A2 | 0

Hi everyone, How are you? I hope that you and your loved ones are keeping well and positive! For those who have had time to study, here are the answers to the activities from last week: Student’s book page 141 … Continuar